You can order our products directly from our factory with wholesale price with Worldwide courier shipping. Minimum order is $3000
To make an order please contact us and give us full information about your order: Via WhatsApp
Vladimir +7 (920) 884-05-21 English
Lada +7 (965) 706-27-18 English
Victoria +7 (962) 176-73-11 English
Alex +7 (962) 176-73-18 Español
Via e-Mail
What kind of our product do you need?
What color would you like?
What length do you want?
What amount do you need?
Please add other information about your order to the message if necessary.
According to the given information we make an invoice and send it to you to confirm all details. After the confirmation we begin to prepare your order.
If we have all products you ordered in stock, we send you the photo of it.
If you like it, next step is payment.
Your order will be sent to your address next working day after we receive the payment. If we don’t have the products you ordered in stock, we would need some time to produce it. Production time depends on the order and in most cases can take from 1 to 3 weeks.
Bank transfer
You can make a Bank transfer on our Bank account in $US dollars or in € Euro.
Credit card
You can pay with your credit card. Your email is required. You will be sent a payment link. Important! The Credit card payment is in Russian rubles only. Your bank convert your currency in Russian rubles itself.
Shipment usually takes 4 working days. We use UPS and DHL for shipping.
Uniteller – a Russian processing company that provides all types of acquiring services, including traditional cash solutions for retail banking, acceptance of bank cards in self-service systems and Internet acquiring. The company’s service is used in various commercial, state and social projects, including public service portals, aviation agencies, online stores, travel and airlines, non-operator gas stations, payment systems for transportation, parking lots, toll roads. The processing center Uniteller meets the requirements of the PCI DSS payment card industry’s data security industry standard, the company’s solutions are certified in accordance with PCI PA-DSS requirements.
You can pay for your order online using the payment methods offered through the payment service of Uniteller. After confirming the order, you will be redirected to the secure payment page of Uniteller, where you will be asked to enter the details for payment of the order. After successful payment, an electronic check with information about the order and data on the payment made will be sent to the e-mail specified in the payment form.
Security guarantees
The safety of processing Uniteller is confirmed by the certificate of the data security standard of the payment card industry PCI DSS. The reliability of the service is provided by an intellectual monitoring system for fraudulent transactions, as well as using 3D Secure, a modern technology for the security of Internet payments.Your card details are entered on a special secure payment page. The transfer of information to the processing company Uniteller occurs with the use of TLS encryption technology.
Further transfer of information is carried out through closed banking channels having the highest level of reliability. Uniteller does not transfer your card data to the store and other third parties! If your card supports 3D Secure technology, in order to make a payment, you will need to pass an additional verification of the user at the issuing bank (the bank that issued your card). To do this, you will be directed to the page of the bank that issued the card. The type of verification depends on the bank.
Typically, this is an additional password that is sent to the SMS, a map of variable codes, or other methods. If you have any questions regarding the payment made, you can contact the technical support service of the processing center Uniteller: or by phone 8 800 100 19 60